Author Archive

Printing – again / still / whatever

Friday, April 8th, 2011

The new print server solved many of the problems that were troubling you (and us) in the past. Unfortunately, it seems it also introduced a couple of new ones. In order for us to be able to address them, it is very important that we know about them in the first place. We hadn't seen those issues in our months-long tests, otherwise we wouldn't have deployed the new server. So, pretty please with sugar on top, call us immediately if your print job does not come out as expected. A problem description like "it hasn't been working for weeks" does not help anyone. Please call us, we're working hard to find and eliminate those issues. Thank you.

New print server

Friday, April 1st, 2011

We know printing is not always fun, and we hear your complaints. During the past few months we have been busy setting up a new print server that should solve most of today's problems (hopefully). We will deploy the new system on

Monday, April 4, at 07:30

The only change for you should be faster and more reliable printing. If you do experience any problems when printing, please let us know immediately so we can fix it.

Update 08:45 DNS confusion about old/new print server, we'll have to wait for the DNS cache to flush

Update April 5, 16:10 migration is done

Give us your feedback

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Time for our biennial customer satisfaction poll!

We are service providers, and you are our customers. In order to be able to offer the best IT service possible, it is important for us to know what your needs and requirements are.

We therefore invite you to take this opportunity to tell us what we're good at, but especially what we still have to improve to best meet your IT needs. You can use the paper ballots outside of HPT D 19, write an e-mail to, or use the form below to submit your feedback, and you can participate either anonymously or provide your name if you want us to get back to you.

We explicitly invite our D-PHYS students to tell us your opinion! Do we offer what you need in your daily student life? Please let us know.

We also plan to organize a visitation of our HIT server room. So if you'd like to see where your files and e-mails spend their days, please let us know too.

Thanks in advance for sharing your ISG experience with us. We'll pay heed to what you say!

new ISG staff member

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

It is our pleasure to welcome Dr. Claude Becker in our team. He will replace Kati Zehnder as our Mac specialist as Kati decided to continue her career in the ETH Informatikdienste. We would like to thank Kati for her commitment in the last 3.5 years and are looking forward to a productive and inspiring collaboration with Claude.

ISG fun facts

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

If you have ever wondered what keeps the friendly people of ISG busy all day long, your wait is now over. In the upper right corner on our website you can now find a little box with some interesting numbers about the computing resources at D-PHYS. They are updated every night and right now look like this:

  • 141 managed Linux workstations
  • 102 managed Windows workstations
  • 27 managed Mac workstations
  • 65 thin clients
  • 141 printers
  • 62328 GB of used file space
  • 82660 GB of used backup space
  • 6946 GB of used laptop backup space
  • 180 rejected mails per min
  • 16 received mails per min
  • 193 mailing lists
  • 4716 LDAP accounts
  • 134 group drives
  • 88 virtual web hosts
Please let us know if you would like to see any other interesting number included that we didn't think of. Thanks!

New feature in our helpdesk system: ticket tracking

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

We are happy to announce that our ticket system now allows you to track the status of your tickets at ISG D-PHYS.

We will continue to refrain from sending out ticket confirmation emails, but you can now log in to in order to check progress on your requests.

If you are using your regular D-PHYS email address when emailing us, just type in your D-PHYS login to gain access. In case you opened your tickets from an external email account, use the Forgot Your Password feature on the login page to request a password for this email address.

Please let us know if you encounter any problems when using this service.

Emergency reboot of Ubuntu workstations

Friday, September 17th, 2010

On Friday, September 17, at 22:00,  we will have to extraordinarily reboot our 64-bit Ubuntu workstations in order to deal with a nasty security issue. We're sorry for the short notice but we've been unpleasantly surprised by this just as much as you have. If you're reading this in time, please save all your data and log out if you can. Please note that also the terminal servers plimpy, plompy, plempy and plumpy (yes I know..) are affected. Thank you.

D-PHYS Groupware

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Today we are pleased to announce the D-PHYS eGroupware collaborative calendar solution We have put a lot of effort into the task of finding a groupware package that works with as many different clients as possible and offers the widest range of features. So if a synchronized calendar service could be interesting for you, give it a shot. Please also consult our readme detailing the different sync solutions.

If you're still using our much older, please move on to eGroupware as soon as possible. This service will eventually be discontinued.

Mailling list for software updates

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Our managed workstations (especially the ones running Linux) feature a very wide range of software packages. Most of these programs are supplied directly by the distribution (Debian, Ubuntu), but some others (most of them proprietarily licensed) have to be manually maintained by us. Sometimes, upgrading one of these software packages to a new major release might cause problems for expert users of that program - for instance if they rely on a function specific to one version. In order to prepare those pro users for upcoming major upgrades, we have created a new mailing list on which we'll announce these updates.

So if you're heavily using programs like Maple, Matlab, Mathematica, IDL, the Intel C and Fortran compilers or DS9, please go to

and subscribe to this mailing list.

File server maintenance on Wed Aug 4, 22:00

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

A firmware update on the RAID controller of our file server requires a reboot of this server. We schedule the reboot on Wednesday August 4, at 22:00. The downtime should take no more than 30 min. Please make sure all your data has been saved at that point.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Update, 22:20: The server has rebooted and everything should work again.