Posts Tagged ‘dhcp’

DHCP Server Upgrade on Wednesday 5pm

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

On Wednesday, the 6th of April 2011, starting around 5pm we will upgrade the operating system on the two D-PHYS DHCP servers. This should not cause any interruptions for computers which are already online, but computers which connect to our network between 5pm and 6pm may not get an IP address assigned immediately. As these computers mostly will be mobile devices, we suggest to switch to the wireless network instead for that evening.

Easier reactivation of expired computers

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

All computers in the D-PHYS network have to be registered with their MAC address. This is an important measure to ensure the security and integrity of our network. In order to alleviate the inconvenience this might cause in some cases, we now allow expired machines to be reactivated not only by us, but also by their admins and deputies. To this end we have created the website

which allows you to easily reactivate all expired machines you're registered as an admin or deputy for. We hope to save us all some time with this new service.

Short-term DHCP server maintenance today on late afternoon

Friday, January 30th, 2009

We had a partial DHCP outage this morning because the failover system between our two DHCP servers malfunctioned. The problem is currently solved only preliminarily by disabling the failover system and one of the two servers. To get both DHCP servers working again, we scheduled a DHCP server maintenance for today, Friday, 30th of January 2009, starting at 5pm. There may be short DHCP service outages during the maintenance. This means that initially connecting to the network as well as renewing the DHCP lease of your computer may fail for a few minutes. Update 21:45: The DHCP service is working again including the failover system.