Archive for the ‘Under construction’ Category

Migration Home Directories

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

To get more free space for the home directories we need to move to a bigger fileserver.
This will be done on Thursday, 29. October, between 18:00 and 21:00.

During this time the home directories (winhome, machome, unixhome), the mail services and some websites will be not available.

To protect you from losing or corrupting any of your files, we strongly recommend you close all open files on the home directories.

Since we have switched to generic names for our services, the home directories will still be accessible the same way as before, so you don't have to change anything.

Update 21:05: The migration is finished and everything should work again! In case of problems please contact the ISG Helpdesk (3 26 68)

Webserver Upgrade on Thursday Evening

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

On Thursday, the 27th of August 2009 around 16:00 we will start upgrading the operating system and the webserver software of our main webserver zwoelfi. This may lead to a downtime of many websites at D-PHYS including and Update 21:20: All services should be back to normal again.

Migration of group directories

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

We need to move most of the group directories to a bigger fileserver.
This will be done on Thursday, 5. March, between 19:00 and 21:00.

During this time most some of the group directories (windata, macdata, unixdata) will be limited to read-only access, and the others will have a short interruption of availability.

To protect you from losing or corrupting any of your files, we strongly recommend you close all open files on the group directories.

Since we have switched to generic names for our services, the group directories will still be accessible the same way as before, so you don't have to change anything.

Update 20:40: The migration is finished and everything should work again! In case of problems please contact the ISG Helpdesk (3 26 68)

Maintenance downtime of a group server

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Tomorrow morning, 28th January 2009, we have to replace a broken system harddisk on one of the group fileservers. This will cause a downtime between 07:00 and approximately 07:30.

This will result in a short service interruption for the following groupdrives:

  • astro1, hhs, isg, iya, qo, qoarchiv, qpdata, rag, ragmast, ulp-stud, zimpol2, zimpol3

To protect you from losing or corrupting any of your files, it is best to close all open files on the group directories.

Migration and Downtime of our Authentication Server on Tuesday, 6pm

Monday, December 1st, 2008

On Tuesday, the 2nd of December 2008, beginning at 6pm, we will migrate the services on our current authentication server to our high-availability cluster. During the migration you will not be able to login on any of our managed workstations, home and group drives or web services. Existing login sessions on workstations should survive the downtime, but it is usually better if you log out before migration. Additionally, * dynamic hostnames will not work either.

Update, 22:30: Migration done. Everything should be back to normal.

Update, Wed Dec 03, 09:30: We found and corrected a problem with the web browser proxy.pac.