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Keep in Mind: Windows XP reached its End-of-Life one Month ago

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

Microsoft provided a final bunch of patches for Windows XP in April 2014. Since then no more security and stability fixes are going to be released. This means that still running Windows XP machines conflict with the ETH Bot (Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics) which requires that every computer connected to the ETH network must be fully updated and secured.

The central IT security group of ETHZ continuously inspects the network streams for signatures of XP computers. In the D-PHYS public networks they still detect around 15 Windows XP based computers. If you have a running XP machine connected to the public network, please migrate the operating system to a newer version i.e Windows 7.

In case you are forced to keep Windows XP up and running, you can migrate the machine to our eXile network. Simply send the required information to after you've read and understood the eXile Terms-of-Use, so we can prepare the machine for the eXile network.

If you have any questions or need help please do not hesitate to contact the ISG D-PHYS Helpdesk

HPT D and E Floor Network Service Interruption on 10th of April 2014

Monday, April 7th, 2014

The central network group informed us about a planed network interruption between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. on the 10th of April 2014 due to maintenance work.

The following rooms are affected by this interruption:

HPT D1 - HPT D20 and HPT E1 - HPT E17.

Due to this interruption it may not be possible to access the D-PHYS services and internet from this rooms.

How to keep your Windows XP Installations living on after End-of-Life

Friday, February 7th, 2014

As announced in an earlier post last year, Microsoft is going to end the support for Windows XP in April 2014.logo

After this date the central network security group of the ETH will frequently scan our public networks to identify any existing Windows XP machines. Every Windows XP detected by such a scan will be disabled on the network level since it is strictly prohibited to keep this operating system up and running on the public network of ETH.

Since we are aware that there may be Windows XP machines living on after the end-of-life date, we worked out a solution to support these situations and to help you not to get in conflict with the network usage regulations.

We founded a project called eXile which provides very locked down network environments that are monitored by advanced security techniques and provide excessive firewall setups. Furthermore eXile provides easy interfaces for you to manage your computers and overview the security state and network access to your machines in eXile.

You can send your machines to the eXile when they match one of the following scenarios:

  • Lab computers (controlling, collecting measure data, or monitoring other systems)
  • Industrial computers
  • Embedded systems

The following applications are not suitable for eXile and need to be migrated to a supported operating system:

  • Office Computers
  • Computers on which internet access needs to be available
  • Computers on which emails are received and sent
  • Computers that provide any services to public computers in the internet

Please note that eXile should not be seen as an excuse not to migrate your Windows XP to a supported operating system as soon as possible. The purpose of eXile is really only to address those few machines that are somehow locked to their operating system.

Nevertheless we invented eXile to address the Windows XP end-of-live problem, it is capable to take up any other computer for which you want to have an extra level of security or on which you run any other outdated or insecure operating system.

If you think your remaining Windows XP computers are candidates to send to eXile, we would be happy if you could send a message to  and inform us about the number of computers and what application you are using these computers for. Later this month a web interface will be made available on where you can directly register every machine you want to send to eXile.

After eXile is fully online, another post will be submitted here.

End of Life: Windows XP

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Microsoft will end the extended support cycle for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. This means that after this date no more security patches or maintenance updates will be released by Microsoft. For all practical purposes, Windows XP will be dead after this date.

We at the Physics Department are going to face some problems when XP reaches its end of life:

  • Our client computer network is directly exposed to the Internet, thus we depend on a continuous availability of operating system patches. Furthermore we are bound to ETH's Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics Resources (BOT), which orders every system owner to install OS upgrades to avoid security issues. Since for Windows XP no more security patches will be available after April 9, 2014, from then on it is not possible to fulfill the BOT requirements and to ensure overall system security. Running Windows XP connected to the ETH network will become a security issue after the April 8, 2014 and will not be tolerated by ETH's network security.
  • A network scan unveiled several dozen Windows XP machines still connected to our client computer network. One reason may be that measurement instrument controller software still depends on that version of Windows. Also old hardware might be in use which does not run well with a newer operating system.

Regarding these facts, we would like to ask you to start analyzing your Windows XP machines and the dependencies and reasons of the existence of this operating system. The following points provide some steps and hints about the process to eliminate or upgrade current Windows XP machines.

  • Check whether there are Windows XP machines still in use in your computer ecosystem and analyze whether a software or hardware component really depends on this version of Windows.
  • In case your Windows XP installation is needed to control specific lab equipment and you are locked to this OS version, please check with the manufacturer of the equipment whether new software or drivers are available or a hardware upgrade allows to migrate this Windows XP computer to a newer version of Windows.
  • If an upgrade to a newer Windows release generates extra cost, now would be a good time to spend this money to keep your systems and equipment up to date and to have a stable environment without running into IT security concerns in the near future.
  • Please draw up any possible cost to the 2014 budget so new hardware/software can be ordered prior to the end of life date of Windows XP and the system can be upgraded in advance.
  • If you face a situation in which it is not possible to upgrade to a higher version of Windows for technical or financial reasons, please contact us. We can help you analyze your specific situation and can try to find particular solutions to isolate your Windows XP installation from the network or maybe find a way to upgrade to a higher OS release.

You are welcome to contact us in any case of questions or concerns relating the Windows XP end of life topic. We can provide help to migrate away from Windows XP as swift as possible so you can keep your systems secure and stable.

Please note that after April 8, 2014, Windows XP will not be tolerated on the ETH network and we will be required to enforce this rule.

HIT Building: Electric Power Interruption on Monday, 15th of July

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Due to a test relating the electric power supply of the HIT building there will be a planed interruption from 6:30am to 9:30am on Monday the 15th of July.

Please note that the whole HIT building will be without electric power during this time (The server room HIT D 13 is excluded from this interruption). Shutdown your computer and switch off (use main switch if available or unplug) your electrical devices in advance to avoid local data loss and help prevent start-up peaks when electric power is switched back on.

New ISG D-PHYS Trainee/Apprentice

Friday, January 25th, 2013

We are very pleased to introduce Anastassios Martakos!

In the mid of January he started as a trainee in our group and is going to slide over to a regular apprenticeship as an IT Systems Engineer in the ISG D-PHYS. He is currently picking up basic Unix skills and helps us to pull up a demo setup for a cloud based storage solution. In his spare time he already gained IT experiences in programming impressive 3D games.

Welcome to our group Anastassios! We wish you an interesting time in our field of work!

Sophos Antivirus False Positives ‘Shh/Updater-B’

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Sophos Anti-Virus may tell you that a virus named 'Shh/Updater-B' has been detected on your Windows computer. Please ignore this alert messages! Sophos accidentially sent out a bad virus defintion database last night which causes the virus scanner to detect the above mentioned virus in several legitimate programs on your system. We take action to update Sophos with a fresh and functional database. Thanks for your patience.

Update 10:20 21-09.2012: Sophos aknowledged the problem and issued new definition update to solve the false postive detection problem. ISG D-PHYS managed Windows machines are no more affected by this iusse. If you still encounter problems on your self-managed Windows machines running Sophos refer to the following knowledge base article which may be a good entry point to find help:

HIT Building: Electric Power Interruption on Wednesday, 25th of July

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Due to maintenance work relating the electric power supply of the HIT building there will be a planed interruption from 5:00am to 8:00am on Wednesday the 25th of July.

Please note that the whole HIT building will be without electric power during this time (The server room HIT D 13 is excepted from this interruption). Shutdown your computer and switch off (use main switch if available or unplug) your electrical devices in advance to avoid local data loss and help prevent start-up peaks when electric power is switched back on.

HIT Building: Network Interruption next Friday Morning, 9th of March

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

ID-Kom plans to upgrade the access routers of the HIT building next Friday morning (9th of March) between 6:00 and 7:30am. This causes a network interruption for about 15 minutes during this time in the HIT building.

All D-PHYS Servers located in HIT D 13 are not affected by this interrupt and are reachable from outside the HIT building at any time.