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from the safer-internet dept. A short review of our logs shows us, that a large amount of our visitors uses browsers witch have known security holes. Read on to learn how to protect yourself. Everytime you visit a webpage, your browser interprets it's content. It's a long way between the source of a page and that what you see. Not only text and pictures, also programming languages like JavaScript, Java, ActiveX and Visual Basic are known. Some content will be interpreted by plugins like Flash, Windows Media and Real Audio and Video. "Good" browsers protect your computer and your data from beeing stolen by an evil webpage. But as every big software project (Mozilla has currently more then 6 million lines of code), every browsers contains some bugs witch are found sooner or later. Usually, it takes only few hours until these bugs are used to get access to data of an ignorant visitor. Known bugs are usually fixed by the programmers of a browser in a new version - this happens typically every one or two months. It's not only necessary to upgrade your browser to get new features, it's also the only way to protect yourself from beeing vulnerable. Even when you visit only webpages in, you shuld use a recent browser - intrusions of hackers in webserver is a common action and some sites in have a forum where many people may enter text. Also this site allows you to enter comments witch are shown to every visitor. Now, where could you find a new version of your browser? Follow these links:
Feel free to contact the ISG
in case you need help. < | >