Use your D-PHYS account for OpenID authentification
OpenID is a distributed authentication infrastructure which allows you to use your preferred authentication provider with a vast number of OpenID enabled services (e.g. many WordPress powered blogs like our completely renewed, Plaxo social networking, microblogging, SourceForge open source project hosting, etc.) without the need to give them your password or remember the password you set there.
Now you can also use your D-PHYS account on all these sites with our new OpenID Authentication provider, you can login on these sites using the URL<YOUR D-PHYS USERNAME> as your OpenID.
You can even use our OpenID authentication service with your personal web page and use the URL of your personal web page as your OpenID. That way your are free to change your OpenID authentication provider at any time you want without changing your OpenID. Just add the following code to the <head>
section of your personal web page to use our OpenID authentication service with your personal web page as OpenID:
<link rel="openid.server" href="<YOUR D-PHYS USERNAME>" /> <link rel="openid.delegate" href="<YOUR D-PHYS USERNAME>" />
Just replace all occurrences of <YOUR D-PHYS USERNAME>
with your D-PHYS user name.