Sophos Antivirus nears end of life
This applies to all self-managed computers (servers, workstations and laptops) on which the product "Sophos Anti-Virus" from the IT store is installed.
"Sophos Anti-Virus" will become End of Life by the end of June 2023 and will be no longer supported by the vendor or ETH Zurich. After this date, there will be no updates and your machine will not be sufficiently protected any longer.
ETH Zurich recommends using the built-in antivirus solution of the respective operating system.
Detailed instructions for uninstalling Sophos Antivirus and activating the antivirus solutions of your operating system can be found in the following link in the IT Knowledgebase: Anti-Virus: Replacement of Sophos for Self-Managed Devices.
Users of managed Windows Computers by ISG can ignore this information because we will manage the transition from Sophos to MS Defender automatically.